kaleidesprout baby tips
kaleidesprout baby tips are fun and informative tips to make having your baby and you live harmoniously together. Some tips are informational tips on what types of items to purchase for your little one, and some are just fun personal experience topics, or surveys from others on hot topics of baby issues, such as what people like to call Mom wars, no relation to the book. Please check out my website as well as my favorite link section to find other great shopping spots. Thanks for reading.
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I am a SAHM to a fantastic child. I decided after having a premature baby, nearly 2 months early, that it was time for me to stay home and try and come up with a plan of making money from home. I started with ebay and became a powerseller within 6 months. Wow, was I excited...

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Maintaining Your Sanity
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 |
permalink | posted by Renee Rose | 0 comments

Ok... so now we are establishing there will be times you question your sanity throughout the baby process... So, here are some tips to keep yours. First, do not get bogged down to the point of losing it...your sanity that is... What this means is, ASK FOR HELP! Ask your husband, family or friends, if need be, to come over and just watch the baby for a couple hours, or even 1 hour,(heck 15 minutes will do), so that you are able to regain what you haven't quite lost yet...lol... Call someone if no one is around, even find someone to watch while you are in the house if needed... even to take a shower in peace. What a nice thing it is to have 5-10 minutes in the shower to clear your head in this time. You must do something to avoid getting yourself so stressed that you feel you are going to go a little kookoo or that your baby will feel your anxiety. Also, take a few deep breaths and after putting your little bundle to rest for his afternoon nap, take a breather yourself... whether it be curling up with a good book (or your favorite baby blog...lol), talking to a friend (maybe someone who understands just exactly what you are going through- this can help a great deal and is cheaper than therapy), taking that shower if you didn't get it before, or taking a nap yourself. I find it relaxing myself to get on the computer and surf... but, that's just me. Ok... so now you've had a shower(hopefully...lol) and you have had some time to yourself, now the laundry...ahhhh~ it never ends does it... Well, I find the only way to stay on top of it is to do a load every day. Also, plan out some quick and easy meals to make...ones that do not require a lot of thought or preparation, but that will keep you going and staying healthy. Speaking of health.... keep yourself healthy! I know this sounds like a no brainer, but really- take your vitamins, eat as healthy as you can, do some daily exercise of some kind, like walking with your little one in the stroller around the block, or whatever you enjoy and stay clear of others with colds. You do not want to be sick, obviously, so that you can better take care of your little one as well as not causing yourself more stress by getting them sick either. Alright,ok, my hubby says,Tivo is a must too...lol... I have to agree that watching some of your fave. shows can help alleviate stress as well. We also started playing Soduku to help with anxiety... The last thing, but certainly not last, for now is power of prayer and positivity. If you have both of these in your life there is nothing that can stand in your way to happiness and maintaining sanity throughout the proces... and most of all~ Enjoy the process along the way! One day you will look back and remember it fondly... heck I already have :0)



Planning your bundles arrival...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 |
permalink | posted by Renee Rose | 0 comments

My first of many baby tips to come is what to do to prepare for your bundle of joy. As most new moms know preparing for your little bundle is a quite large undertaking. First, we are going through a series of nesting phases. I, myself started out wanting to do a complete remodel of the house, much to my hubby's dismay. In the case of my home, I felt it needed an overhaul, from new floors to new paint... you name it... My first tip is to prioritize your needs first. Immediately find one thing that needs attention and aim for one thing at a time. Otherwise, if you are like me, you will find yourself in a bit of a tizzy. Between hormones and normal pregnancy woes, some find it exhausting just being pregnant... so, make your tasks easy ones and aim for one at a time. The most important item on the list is not baby proofing, although great to do. This doesn't need to be accomplished until your little one is entering the roaming stage, although of course doesn't hurt if you can get ahead of the game. I found myself thinking as some do, that it all had to be done... NOW...pulling my hair out in the process. Make certain you have your priorities itemized in a list and then slowly tackle one at a time, perhaps weekly. However, start early as the further along you will get in your pregnancy, the less energy you will have, at least in my case and of course there is the cumbersome factor as well. I am also advocating this as I had my little one nearly 2 months early. Hopefully, this will not be your case, however it is good to plan ahead. I will add you will be quite busy and, well, yes tired...after bringing your bundle home, with many sleepless, yet wonderful nights ahead. It does get easier ladies. I promise!!! After all of your tasks are complete, ie. painting the nursery, decorating it, any last minute clean up projects you might have, then I suggest plenty of rest if possible before the big moment arrives. The main tip here is take time out for yourself and do not stress yourself out about the little things before the BIG things happen!



kaleidesprout baby tips
permalink | posted by Renee Rose | 0 comments

This blog is dedicated to tips and tricks of having baby and family cohabitate happily together. These tips are made to be fun and somewhat educational....lol... We will be taking advice and comments on all tips of the trade from Mommies and yes, Daddies too. So, please send us your suggestions, comments, best practices etc. and we will be sure to post them... provided they are family friendly~ Let's keep these G rated, please~ Thanks so much for reading! Check back with us weekly for more great tips!



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